
Home / Tools / binary

Packages that operate on binary files in some form.

Tool count: 149

Name Version Description Category Website
afl 2.57b Security-oriented fuzzer using compile-time instrumentation and genetic algorithms fuzzer binary
amber 256.f6eb2dc Reflective PE packer. binary packer windows
amoco 1:v2.9.11.r2.gf1182a5 Yet another tool for analysing binaries. binary reversing
analyzepesig Analyze digital signature of PE file. windows binary forensic
androguard 3:3.3.5 Reverse engineering, Malware and goodware analysis of Android applications and more. binary disassembler malware
angr 1:9.1.11752 The next-generation binary analysis platform from UC Santa Barbara's Seclab. binary disassembler reversing
angr-management 9.1.11752 This is the GUI for angr. binary disassembler reversing
angr-py2 1: The next-generation binary analysis platform from UC Santa Barbaras Seclab. binary disassembler reversing
avet 559.d561ee3 AntiVirus Evasion Tool binary backdoor automation
backdoor-factory 1:210.0c53045 Patch win32/64 binaries with shellcode. backdoor binary
bagbak 313.79ca483 Yet another frida based App decryptor. mobile reversing binary
barf 923.9547ef8 A multiplatform open source Binary Analysis and Reverse engineering Framework. binary reversing
bdfproxy 107.276c367 Patch Binaries via MITM: BackdoorFactory + mitmProxy proxy binary
bgrep 26.6eb0e47 Binary grep. binary
binaryninja 4.2.6455 A new kind of reversing platform (demo version). reversing binary
binaryninja-demo 4.1.5902 A new kind of reversing platform (demo version). reversing binary
binaryninja-python 13.83f59f7 Binary Ninja prototype written in Python. binary
bindead 4504.67019b97b A static analysis tool for binaries binary debugger reversing
bindiff 6.0.0 A comparison tool for binary files, that assists vulnerability researchers and engineers to quickly find differences and similarities in disassembled code. binary reversing
binflow 5.7fb02a9 POSIX function tracing. Much better and faster than ftrace. binary debugger
binnavi 6.1.0 A binary analysis IDE that allows to inspect, navigate, edit and annotate control flow graphs and call graphs of disassembled code. disassembler reversing binary
binwalk 3.1.0 A tool for searching a given binary image for embedded files disassembler firmware reversing binary
binwally 4.0aabd8b Binary and Directory tree comparison tool using the Fuzzy Hashing concept (ssdeep). binary
bsdiff 4.3 bsdiff and bspatch are tools for building and applying patches to binary files. reversing binary
bvi 1.4.2 A display-oriented editor for binary files operate like "vi" editor. binary misc
bytecode-viewer 1:2.12 A Java 8/Android APK Reverse Engineering Suite. binary reversing
chipsec 5:1.13.9.r6.gf6be0ab Framework for analyzing the security of PC platforms including hardware, system firmware (BIOS/UEFI), and platform components. hardware binary forensic scanner fuzzer
cminer 25.d766f7e A tool for enumerating the code caves in PE files. binary windows
cpp2il 1:2022.0.7.r17.g20ccab2 A tool to reverse unity's IL2PP toolchain binary reversing
damm 32.60e7ec7 Differential Analysis of Malware in Memory. malware binary reversing
de4dot 2090.b7d5728 .NET deobfuscator and unpacker. windows unpacker binary reversing
detect-it-easy 3:3.10 A program for determining types of files. binary reversing
dexpatcher 1.7.0 Modify Android DEX/APK files at source-level using Java. mobile binary
dissector 1 This code dissects the internal data structures in ELF files. It supports x86 and x86_64 archs and runs under Linux. binary
dnspy 6.1.8 .NET debugger and assembly editor. windows decompiler binary reversing
dotpeek 2021.3.3 Free .NET Decompiler and Assembly Browser. windows decompiler binary reversing
dutas 10.37fa3ab Analysis PE file or Shellcode. binary reversing
dwarf 1084.fd859ae Full featured multi arch/os debugger built on top of PyQt5 and frida. binary debugger disassembler exploitation mobile reversing
dynamorio 9.0.19046 DynamoRIO is a runtime code manipulation system that supports code transformations on any part of a program, while it executes. binary reversing
ecfs 305.1758063 Extended core file snapshot format. binary
elfkickers 3.2 Collection of ELF utilities (includes sstrip) binary
elfparser 7.39d21ca Cross Platform ELF analysis. binary
elfutils 0.192 Utilities to handle ELF object files and DWARF debugging information. binary
eresi 1291.4769c175 The ERESI Reverse Engineering Software Interface. binary reversing debugger disassembler
evilize 0.2 Tool to create MD5 colliding binaries. cracker binary crypto
exe2image 1.1 A simple utility to convert EXE files to JPEG images and vice versa. backdoor binary
exescan 1.ad993e3 A tool to detect anomalies in PE (Portable Executable) files. binary
expimp-lookup 4.79a96c7 Looks for all export and import names that contain a specified string in all Portable Executable in a directory tree. binary recon
expose 1110.30264af A Dynamic Symbolic Execution (DSE) engine for JavaScript binary reversing code-audit
ffdec 11.0.0 Open source Flash SWF decompiler and editor. decompiler binary misc
frida-ios-dump 53.56e99b2 Pull decrypted ipa from jailbreak device. mobilereversing binary
frida-ipa-dump 1:117.b9dcb91 Yet another frida based iOS dumpdecrypted. mobilereversing binary
gadgetinspector 6.ac7832d A byte code analyzer for finding deserialization gadget chains in Java applications. decompiler binary
gdbgui 1:437.be95217 Browser-based gdb frontend using Flask and JavaScript to visually debug C, C++, Go, or Rust. debugger binary
haystack 1823.c178b5a A Python framework for finding C structures from process memory - heap analysis - Memory structures forensics. binary forensic
hercules-payload 222.2607a3a A special payload generator that can bypass all antivirus software. binary windows backdoor
hex2bin 2.5 Converts Motorola and Intel hex files to binary. binary
hollows-hunter 0.4.0 Scans all running processes. Recognizes and dumps a variety of potentially malicious implants (replaced/injected PEs, shellcodes, hooks, in-memory patches). windows malware binary
hopper 5.17.4 Reverse engineering tool that lets you disassemble, decompile and debug your applications. reversing disassembler decompiler binary
hyperion-crypter 2.3.1 A runtime encrypter for 32-bit portable executables. windows binary crypto
ida-free 8.4.240527 Freeware version of the world's smartest and most feature-full disassembler. reversing disassembler decompiler binary
imagejs 56.a442f94 Small tool to package javascript into a valid image file. binary webapp
jpegdump 0.0.7 Tool to analyzse JPEG images Reads binary files and parses the JPEG markers inside them. binary forensic
justdecompile 22018 The decompilation engine of JustDecompile. windows decompiler binary reversing
jwscan 7.874b3a5 Scanner for Jar to EXE wrapper like Launch4j, Exe4j, JSmooth, Jar2Exe. reversing binary
klee 2.1 A symbolic virtual machine built on top of the LLVM compiler infrastructure. binary reversing debugger
lazydroid 25.0f559ec Tool written as a bash script to facilitate some aspects of an Android Assessment mobile automation binary
ld-shatner 4.5c215c4 ld-linux code injector. backdoor binary
leena 2.5119f56 Symbolic execution engine for JavaScript binary code-audit
linux-inject 100.268d4e4 Tool for injecting a shared object into a Linux process. backdoor binary
loadlibrary 104.c40033b Porting Windows Dynamic Link Libraries to Linux. binary
ltrace 0.7.3 Tracks runtime library calls in dynamically linked programs binary
malscan 5.773505a A Simple PE File Heuristics Scanner. malware binary
manticore 0.3.7.r73.g88610053 Symbolic execution tool. binary
manul 197.f525df9 A coverage-guided parallel fuzzer for open-source and blackbox binaries on Windows, Linux and MacOS. fuzzer binary
melkor 1.0 An ELF fuzzer that mutates the existing data in an ELF sample given to create orcs (malformed ELFs), however, it does not change values randomly (dumb fuzzing), instead, it fuzzes certain metadata with semi-valid values through the use of fuzzing rules (knowledge base). fuzzer binary
metame 14.8d583a0 A simple metamorphic code engine for arbitrary executables. binary
mikrotik-npk 11.d54e97c Python tools for manipulating Mikrotik NPK format. reversing binary networking packer unpacker
ms-sys 2.8.0 A tool to write Win9x-.. master boot records (mbr) under linux - RTM! backdoor binary forensic
msvpwn 1:65.328921b Bypass Windows' authentication via binary patching. windows binary backdoor
objdump2shellcode 28.c2d6120 A tool I have found incredibly useful whenever creating custom shellcode. binary misc
objection 1.11.0 Instrumented Mobile Pentest Framework. mobilereversing binary
oledump 0.0.77 Analyze OLE files (Compound File Binary Format). These files contain streams of data. This tool allows you to analyze these streams. binary malware
oletools 1:0.54.1 Tools to analyze Microsoft OLE2 files. binary forensic
origami 2.1.0 Aims at providing a scripting tool to generate and analyze malicious PDF files. malware binary
osslsigncode 654.e8f19a6 A small tool that implements part of the functionality of the Microsoft tool signtool.exe. windows binary automation
packer 1.11.2 tool for creating identical machine images for multiple platforms from a single source configuration binary
packer-io 1.2.4 tool for creating identical machine images for multiple platforms from a single source configuration binary
packerid 16.bc54e6d Script which uses a PEiD database to identify which packer (if any) is being used by a binary. binary packer reversing
patchkit 37.95dc699 Powerful binary patching from Python. binary backdoor
pe-bear 0.7.0 A freeware reversing tool for PE files. windows malware binary reversing disassembler
pe-sieve 0.4.0 Scans a given process. Recognizes and dumps a variety of potentially malicious implants (replaced/injected PEs, shellcodes, hooks, in-memory patches). windows malware binary
peframe 135.70683b6 Tool to perform static analysis on (portable executable) malware. malware binary reversing
pepper 18.9dfcade An open source script to perform malware static analysis on Portable Executable. malware reversing binary
periscope 3.2 A PE file inspection tool. windows forensic binary
pextractor 0.18b A forensics tool that can extract all files from an executable file created by a joiner or similar. windows forensic binary
pin 3.28.r98749 A dynamic binary instrumentation tool. automation binary reversing
pintool 24.d538a79 This tool can be useful for solving some reversing challenges in CTFs events. reversing binary
pintool2 5.1c1af91 Improved version of pintool. reversing binary
pixd 9.f49add4 Colourful visualization tool for binary files. binary misc
plasma 922.ec7df9b An interactive disassembler for x86/ARM/MIPS. It can generates indented pseudo-code with colored syntax. disassembler binary debugger
plasma-disasm 922.ec7df9b An interactive disassembler for x86/ARM/MIPS. It can generates indented pseudo-code with colored syntax. disassembler binary debugger
powerstager 14.0149dc9 A payload stager using PowerShell. binary backdoor
ppee 1.12 A Professional PE file Explorer for reversers, malware researchers and those who want to statically inspect PE files in more details. windows malware reversing binary
procdump 63.5f23548 Generate coredumps based off performance triggers. binary misc
proctal 482.67bf7e8 Provides a command line interface and a C library to manipulate the address space of a running program on Linux. binary misc
python-frida 15.2.2 Dynamic instrumentation toolkit for developers, reverse-engineers, and security researchers. reversing binary
python-frida-tools 11.0.0 Frida CLI tools. reversing binary mobile
python-oletools 1:0.60.2 Tools to analyze Microsoft OLE2 files. binary forensic
python-peid 2.2.1 Python implementation of the Packed Executable iDentifier (PEiD). binary reversing
python-pwntools 4.13.1 CTF framework and exploit development library disassembler reversing binary
python2-frida 15.2.2 Dynamic instrumentation toolkit for developers, reverse-engineers, and security researchers. reversing binary
python2-frida-tools 11.0.0 Frida CLI tools. reversing binary mobile
python2-oletools 1:0.60.2 Tools to analyze Microsoft OLE2 files. binary forensic
qbdi v0.11.0.r51.gf551138 A Dynamic Binary Instrumentation framework based on LLVM. binary
quickscope 519.1a5e985 Statically analyze windows, linux, osx, executables and also APK files. binary reversing
radare2-keystone 900.b03125f Keystone assembler plugins for radare2. disassembler binary reversing
radare2-unicorn 900.b03125f Unicorn Emulator Plugin for radare2. disassembler binary reversing
rbasefind 41.a661118 A firmware base address search tool. binary
recomposer 2.90f85ed Randomly changes Win32/64 PE Files for 'safer' uploading to malware and sandbox sites. automation binary
redress v1.2.2.r0.gfe38d96 A tool for analyzing stripped Go binaries. binary reversing
ropgadget 7.4 Lets you search your gadgets on your binaries (ELF format) to facilitate your ROP exploitation. exploitation binary
ropper 1.13.10 Show information about binary files and find gadgets to build rop chains for different architectures exploitation binary
rp 138.3a54a7c A full-cpp written tool that aims to find ROP sequences in PE/Elf/Mach-O x86/x64 binaries. exploitation binary
saruman 2.4be8db5 ELF anti-forensics exec, for injecting full dynamic executables into process image (With thread injection). binary backdoor anti-forensic
sea 103.9aca1c8 A tool to help to create exploits of binary programs. malware binary
setowner 1.1 Allows you to set file ownership to any account, as long as you have the "Restore files and directories" user right. windows binary
sgn 36.f54fa65 Shikata ga nai encoder ported into go with several improvements. binary
sherlocked 1.f190c2b Universal script packer-- transforms any type of script into a protected ELF executable, encrypted with anti-debugging. packer binary crypto backdoor
smap 24.3ed1ac7 Shellcode mapper - Handy tool for shellcode analysis. exploitation binary
soot 3.4.0 A Java Bytecode Analysis and Transformation Framework. binary
strace 6.12 A diagnostic, debugging and instructional userspace tracer binary
stringsifter 39.33c0cd5 Machine learning tool that automatically ranks strings based on their relevance for malware analysis. binary forensic
swftools 0.9.2 A collection of SWF manipulation and creation utilities binary reversing webapp
syms2elf 12.329c2ce A plugin for Hex-Ray's IDA Pro and radare2 to export the symbols recognized to the ELF symbol table. reversing disassembler binary
syringe 12.79a703e A General Purpose DLL & Code Injection Utility. backdoor binary windows
trid 2.24 An utility designed to identify file types from their binary signatures. forensic binary
triton 1:4291.e312eafc A Dynamic Binary Analysis (DBA) framework. binary reversing
truegaze 117.c3f26bc Static analysis tool for Android/iOS apps focusing on security issues outside the source code. mobile binary
unifuzzer 5.3385a3b A fuzzing tool for closed-source binaries based on Unicorn and LibFuzzer. fuzzer binary
unstrip 13.05e00c2 ELF Unstrip Tool. disassembler binary
upx 4.2.4 Ultimate executable compressor. binary misc
valgrind 3.24.0 A tool to help find memory-management problems in programs binary code-audit
veles 1:637.e65de5a New open source tool for binary data analysis. binary reversing disassembler
viper 2099.fdd7855 A Binary analysis framework. disassembler binary malware
volafox 143.5b42987 Mac OS X Memory Analysis Toolkit. forensic binary
wcc 99.08f67cd The Witchcraft Compiler Collection. binary misc
wxhexeditor 733.f439d8f A free hex editor / disk editor for Linux, Windows and MacOSX. binary misc
zelos 272.506554d A comprehensive binary emulation and instrumentation platform. binary