This group is for any native Windows package that runs via wine.
Tool count: 213
Name | Version | Description | Category | Website |
3proxy-win32 | 0.8.13 | Tiny free proxy server. | windows proxy | |
ad-miner | v1.6.1.r0.ge0ea12c | Active Directory audit tool that extract data from Bloodhound to uncover security weaknesses and generate an HTML report | recon windows | |
adape-script | 43.4d0b9ff | Active Directory Assessment and Privilege Escalation Script. | windows exploitation | |
adfspray | 6.3d7745d | Python3 tool to perform password spraying against Microsoft Online service using various methods. | cracker windows | |
aesshell | 0.7 | A backconnect shell for Windows and Unix written in python and uses AES in CBC mode in conjunction with HMAC-SHA256 for secure transport. | backdoor windows | |
agafi | 1:1.1 | A gadget finder and a ROP-Chainer tool for x86 platforms. | windows exploitation | |
amber | 256.f6eb2dc | Reflective PE packer. | binary packer windows | |
analyzepesig | | Analyze digital signature of PE file. | windows binary forensic | |
antiransom | 5 | A tool capable of detect and stop attacks of Ransomware using honeypots. | windows defensive honeypot | |
atstaketools | 0.1 | This is an archive of various @Stake tools that help perform vulnerability scanning and analysis, information gathering, password auditing, and forensics. | windows scanner forensic cracker sniffer recon | |
backorifice | 1.0 | A remote administration system which allows a user to control a computer across a tcpip connection using a simple console or GUI application. | windows backdoor | |
bloodhound | 1:v4.3.1.r41.g0d36459 | Six Degrees of Domain Admin | recon windows | |
bloodhound-python | v1.0.1.r151.ge8b0b7a | Bloodhound python data collector | recon windows | |
bloodyad | 196.1913e10 | An Active Directory Privilege Escalation Framework. | exploitation windows | |
browselist | 1.4 | Retrieves the browse list ; the output list contains computer names, and the roles they play in the network. | windows recon | |
brute12 | 1 | A tool designed for auditing the cryptography container security in PKCS12 format. | windows cracker cryptography | |
brutus | 2 | One of the fastest, most flexible remote password crackers you can get your hands on. | windows cracker | |
cachedump | 1.1 | A tool that demonstrates how to recover cache entry information: username and hashed password (called MSCASH). | windows cracker | |
certipy | 4.8.2.r0.g2780d53 | Active Directory Certificate Services enumeration and abuse. | windows exploitation | |
certsync | 0.1.4 | Dump NTDS remotely without DRSUAPI: using golden certificate and UnPAC the hash. | exploitation windows | |
chainsaw | v2.7.3.r6.g5d908fd | A powerful ‘first-response’ capability to quickly identify threats within Windows event logs. | defensive forensic windows | |
chrome-decode | 0.1 | Chrome web browser decoder tool that demonstrates recovering passwords. | windows cracker crypto | |
chromensics | 1.0 | A Google chrome forensics tool. | windows forensic | |
cminer | 25.d766f7e | A tool for enumerating the code caves in PE files. | binary windows | |
coercer | 2.4.3 | Coerce a Windows server to authenticate on an arbitrary machine through 9 methods. | exploitation networking windows | |
conpass | 0.1.1 | Password spraying in AD environment avoing account locking. | windows cracker | |
crackmapexec-pingcastle | 9.16340d2 | NetExec & CrackMapExec module that execute PingCastle on a remote machine. | windows | |
creddump | 3.ed95e1a | A python tool to extract various credentials and secrets from Windows registry hives. | cracker windows | |
dark-dork-searcher | 1.0 | Dark-Dork Searcher. | windows scanner | |
darkarmour | 4.f10228a | Store and execute an encrypted windows binary from inside memory, without a single bit touching disk. | windows malware | |
dcdetector | 0.0.1.r52.g2e69244 | Spot all domain controllers in a Microsoft Active Directory environment. Find computer name, FQDN, and IP address(es) of all DCs. | networking recon windows | |
de4dot | 3.1.41592 | .NET deobfuscator and unpacker. | windows unpacker binary reversing | |
demiguise | 11.58d5681 | HTA encryption tool for RedTeams. | crypto windows backdoor | |
directorytraversalscan | | Detect directory traversal vulnerabilities in HTTP servers and web applications. | windows webapp | |
dnspy | 6.1.8 | .NET debugger and assembly editor. | windows decompiler binary reversing | |
donpapi | 1:V1.2.0.r10.g51767fc | Dumping revelant information on compromised targets without AV detection with DPAPI. | windows exploitation | |
dotpeek | 2021.3.3 | Free .NET Decompiler and Assembly Browser. | windows decompiler binary reversing | |
dragon-backdoor | 7.c7416b7 | A sniffing, non binding, reverse down/exec, portknocking service Based on cd00r.c. | backdoor sniffer windows | |
dumpacl | 1:0.1 | Dumps NTs ACLs and audit settings. | windows cracker | |
dumpusers | 1.0 | Dumps account names and information even though RestrictAnonymous has been set to 1. | windows recon | |
eraser | | Windows tool which allows you to completely remove sensitive data from your hard drive by overwriting it several times with carefully selected patterns. | windows defensive | |
etherchange | 1.1 | Can change the Ethernet address of the network adapters in Windows. | windows misc | |
etherflood | 1.1 | Floods a switched network with Ethernet frames with random hardware addresses. | windows dos networking | |
evilclippy | 62.fa610c6 | A cross-platform assistant for creating malicious MS Office documents. | exploitation windows | |
evtkit | 8.af06db3 | Fix acquired .evt - Windows Event Log files (Forensics). | forensic windows | |
extractusnjrnl | 7.362d4290 | Tool to extract the $UsnJrnl from an NTFS volume. | forensic windows | |
filefuzz | 1.0 | A binary file fuzzer for Windows with several options. | windows fuzzer | |
fport | 2.0 | Identify unknown open ports and their associated applications. | windows recon fingerprint | |
fred | 0.1.1 | Cross-platform M$ registry hive editor. | windows | |
fuzztalk | | An XML driven fuzz testing framework that emphasizes easy extensibility and reusability. | windows fuzzer | |
gadgettojscript | 20.005cb8b | .NET serialized gadgets that can trigger .NET assembly from JS/VBS/VBA based scripts. | exploitation windows | |
gene | 78.faf8cc0 | Signature Engine for Windows Event Logs. | windows | |
ghostdelivery | 32.a23ed5a | Python script to generate obfuscated .vbs script that delivers payload (payload dropper) with persistence and windows antivirus disabling functions. | exploitation windows | |
ghostpack | 122.ccd6802 | Compiled Binaries for Ghostpack (.NET Framework v4.7.2). | windows | |
go-windapsearch | v0.3.0.r22.ged05587 | Utility to enumerate users, groups and computers from a Windows domain through LDAP queries. | recon windows | |
goddi | 1.2 | Dumps Active Directory domain information. | recon windows | |
gomapenum | v1.1.0.r110.g8b344df | User enumeration and password bruteforce on Azure, ADFS, OWA, O365, Teams and gather emails on Linkedin. | cracker recon social windows | |
gplist | 1.0 | Lists information about the applied Group Policies. | windows recon | |
grabitall | 1.1 | Performs traffic redirection by sending spoofed ARP replies. | windows spoof networking | |
gsd | 1.1 | Gives you the Discretionary Access Control List of any Windows NT service you specify as a command line option. | windows recon | |
gtalk-decode | 0.1 | Google Talk decoder tool that demonstrates recovering passwords from accounts. | windows crypto cracker | |
handle | 1:0.1 | An small application designed to analyze your system searching for global objects related to running proccess and display information for every found object, like tokens, semaphores, ports, files,.. | windows recon | |
harness | 19.ed2a6aa | Interactive remote PowerShell Payload. | backdoor windows | |
hekatomb | 107.bdd53cf | Extract and decrypt all credentials from all domain computers using DPAPI. | windows exploitation | |
hercules-payload | 222.2607a3a | A special payload generator that can bypass all antivirus software. | binary windows backdoor | |
hollows-hunter | 0.3.9 | Scans all running processes. Recognizes and dumps a variety of potentially malicious implants (replaced/injected PEs, shellcodes, hooks, in-memory patches). | windows malware binary | |
hookanalyser | 3.4 | A hook tool which can be potentially helpful in reversing applications and analyzing malware. It can hook to an API in a process and search for a pattern in memory or dump the buffer. | windows reversing | |
httpbog | | A slow HTTP denial-of-service tool that works similarly to other attacks, but rather than leveraging request headers or POST data Bog consumes sockets by slowly reading responses. | windows dos | |
httprecon | 7.3 | Tool for web server fingerprinting, also known as http fingerprinting. | windows fingerprint | |
httprint-win32 | 301 | A web server fingerprinting tool (Windows binaries). | windows fingerprint | |
hxd | | Freeware Hex Editor and Disk Editor. | misc windows | |
hyperion-crypter | 2.3.1 | A runtime encrypter for 32-bit portable executables. | windows binary crypto | |
ikeprobe | 2:0.1 | Determine vulnerabilities in the PSK implementation of the VPN server. | windows scanner cracker | |
indx2csv | 17.129a411e | An advanced parser for INDX records. | forensic windows | |
indxcarver | 5.dee36608 | Carve INDX records from a chunk of data. | forensic windows | |
intercepter-ng | 1.0 | A next generation sniffer including a lot of features: capturing passwords/hashes, sniffing chat messages, performing man-in-the-middle attacks, etc. | windows wireless sniffer networking cracker | |
inzider | 1.2 | This is a tool that lists processes in your Windows system and the ports each one listen on. | windows recon | |
jackdaw | 416.1c3a4c2 | Collect all information in your domain, show you graphs on how domain objects interact with each-other and how to exploit these interactions | recon windows | |
juicy-potato | 53.744d321 | A sugared version of RottenPotatoNG, with a bit of juice. | windows | |
justdecompile | 22018 | The decompilation engine of JustDecompile. | windows decompiler binary reversing | |
kekeo | 2.2.0_20211214 | A little toolbox to play with Microsoft Kerberos in C. | windows cracker | |
kerbcrack | 1.3d3 | Kerberos sniffer and cracker for Windows. | windows sniffer cracker | |
kerberoast | 1:0.2.0.r9.g82f5bb2 | Kerberoast attack -pure python-. | exploitation cracker windows | |
klogger | 1.0 | A keystroke logger for the NT-series of Windows. | windows keylogger | |
lethalhta | 2.5602402 | Lateral Movement technique using DCOM and HTA. | windows exploitation | |
limelighter | 17.d119dc7 | A tool for generating fake code signing certificates or signing real ones. | exploitation windows | |
log-file-parser | 60.c7a0ae7e | Parser for $LogFile on NTFS. | forensic windows | |
loic | | An open source network stress tool for Windows. | networking windows | |
lolbas | 192.d148d27 | Living Off The Land Binaries And Scripts - (LOLBins and LOLScripts). | windows | |
malwareanalyser | 3.3 | A freeware tool to perform static and dynamic analysis on malware. | windows malware defensive reversing | |
mbenum | 1.5.0 | Queries the master browser for whatever information it has registered. | windows recon | |
memimager | 1.0 | Performs a memory dump using NtSystemDebugControl. | windows forensic | |
mft2csv | 40.164eb224 | Extract $MFT record info and log it to a csv file. | forensic windows | |
mftcarver | 9.7bfcc0a2 | Carve $MFT records from a chunk of data (for instance a memory dump). | forensic windows | |
mftrcrd | 16.35c3ac2f | Command line $MFT record decoder. | forensic windows | |
mftref2name | 6.7df9eebb | Resolve file index number to name or vice versa on NTFS. A simple tool that just converts MFT reference number to file name and path, or the other way around. | forensic windows | |
mimikatz | 2.2.0_20220919 | A little tool to play with Windows security. | windows cracker | |
mingsweeper | 1.00 | A network reconnaissance tool designed to facilitate large address space,high speed node discovery and identification. | windows recon scanner | |
missidentify | 1.0 | A program to find Win32 applications. | recon windows | |
modifycerttemplate | 7.4c35708 | Aid operators in modifying ADCS certificate templates so that a created vulnerable state can be leveraged for privilege escalation. | windows | |
mrkaplan | 1:1.1.1 | Help red teamers to stay hidden by clearing evidence of execution. | windows exploitation | |
msvpwn | 1:65.328921b | Bypass Windows' authentication via binary patching. | windows binary backdoor | |
nbname | 1.0 | Decodes and displays all NetBIOS name packets it receives on UDP port 137 and more! | windows sniffer recon dos scanner | |
nbtenum | 3.3 | A utility for Windows that can be used to enumerate NetBIOS information from one host or a range of hosts. | windows scanner recon | |
netbus | 1.6 | NetBus remote adminsitration tool | windows backdoor | |
netexec | v1.2.0.r295.g43da2afa | A Windows / Active Directory environments pentest tool. | scanner exploitation windows | |
netexec-pingcastle | 9.16340d2 | NetExec & CrackMapExec module that execute PingCastle on a remote machine. | windows | |
netripper | 84.c763bd0 | Smart traffic sniffing for penetration testers. | windows | |
netstumbler | 0.4.0 | Well-known wireless AP scanner and sniffer. | windows wireless | |
nirsoft | 1.23.30 | Unique collection of small and useful freeware utilities. | windows | |
nishang | 0.7.6 | Using PowerShell for Penetration Testing. | windows misc | |
ntds-decode | 0.1 | This application dumps LM and NTLM hashes from active accounts stored in an Active Directory database. | windows cracker | |
ntfs-file-extractor | 6.f2b23d72 | Extract files off NTFS. | forensic windows | |
ntfs-log-tracker | 1:1.6 | This tool can parse $LogFile, $UsnJrnl of NTFS. | forensic windows | |
o365enum | 19.522a54c | Username enumeration and password enuming tool aimed at Microsoft O365. | cracker recon windows | |
o365spray | 160.28d8d1b | Auto Scanning to SSL Vulnerability. | cracker recon windows | |
ollydbg | 201g | A 32-bit assembler-level analysing debugger | debugger windows | |
openpuff | 4.01 | Yet not another steganography SW. | stego windows | |
orakelcrackert | 1.00 | This tool can crack passwords which are encrypted using Oracle's latest SHA1 based password protection algorithm. | windows cracker | |
osslsigncode | 333.b967175 | A small tool that implements part of the functionality of the Microsoft tool signtool.exe. | windows binary automation | |
pafish | 193.b497899 | A demonstration tool that employs several techniques to detect sandboxes and analysis environments in the same way as malware families do. | windows | |
pe-bear | | A freeware reversing tool for PE files. | windows malware binary reversing disassembler | |
pe-sieve | 0.3.9 | Scans a given process. Recognizes and dumps a variety of potentially malicious implants (replaced/injected PEs, shellcodes, hooks, in-memory patches). | windows malware binary | |
periscope | 3.2 | A PE file inspection tool. | windows forensic binary | |
persistencesniper | v1.16.1.r1.gac4751a | Hunt persistences implanted in Windows machines. | defensive windows | |
petools | 1.9.762 | Portable executable (PE) manipulation toolkit. | windows | |
pextractor | 0.18b | A forensics tool that can extract all files from an executable file created by a joiner or similar. | windows forensic binary | |
php-vulnerability-hunter | | An whitebox fuzz testing tool capable of detected several classes of vulnerabilities in PHP web applications. | windows webapp code-audit | |
pingcastle | | Active Directory scanning tool. | windows | |
pkinittools | 10.7311de8 | Tools for Kerberos PKINIT and relaying to AD CS. | exploitation windows | |
pmap | 1.10 | Passively discover, scan, and fingerprint link-local peers by the background noise they generate (i.e. their broadcast and multicast traffic). | windows recon scanner fingerprint | |
pmdump | 1.2 | A tool that lets you dump the memory contents of a process to a file without stopping the process. | windows forensic | |
powercloud | 21.0928303 | Deliver powershell payloads via DNS TXT via CloudFlare using PowerShell. | windows exploitation | |
powerlessshell | 115.2a87166 | PowerLessShell rely on MSBuild.exe to remotely execute PowerShell scripts and commands without spawning powershell.exe. You can also execute raw shellcode using the same approach. | windows | |
powermft | 5.76574543 | Powerful commandline $MFT record editor. | forensic windows | |
powerops | 32.13fe55b | PowerShell Runspace Portable Post Exploitation Tool aimed at making Penetration Testing with PowerShell "easier". | windows automation | |
powershdll | 72.62cfa17 | Run PowerShell with rundll32. Bypass software restrictions. | windows | |
powersploit | 591.d943001 | A PowerShell Post-Exploitation Framework. | exploitation windows | |
ppee | 1.12 | A Professional PE file Explorer for reversers, malware researchers and those who want to statically inspect PE files in more details. | windows malware reversing binary | |
promiscdetect | 1.0 | Checks if your network adapter(s) is running in promiscuous mode, which may be a sign that you have a sniffer running on your computer. | windows networking defensive | |
pstoreview | 1.0 | Lists the contents of the Protected Storage. | windows misc | |
pwdump | 7.1 | Extracts the binary SAM and SYSTEM file from the filesystem and then the hashes. | windows cracker | |
python-minidump | 1:0.0.21 | Python library to parse and read Microsoft minidump file format. | windows | |
python-minikerberos | 1:0.2.1 | Kerberos manipulation library in pure Python. | windows | |
python-winsspi | 0.0.9 | Windows SSPI library in pure Python. | windows | |
python2-minidump | 19.749e6da | Python library to parse and read Microsoft minidump file format. | windows | |
python2-minikerberos | 17.e7e8d0a | Kerberos manipulation library in pure Python. | windows | |
python2-winsspi | 0.0.9 | Windows SSPI library in pure Python. | windows | |
radiography | 2 | A forensic tool which grabs as much information as possible from a Windows system. | windows | |
rasenum | 1.0 | A small program which lists the information for all of the entries in any phonebook file (.pbk). | windows recon | |
rcrdcarver | 5.54507d21 | Carve RCRD records ($LogFile) from a chunk of data.. | forensic windows | |
rdp-cipher-checker | 0.1 | Enumerate the encryption protocols supported by the server and the cipher strengths supported using native RDP encryption. | scanner crypto windows | |
rdp-sec-check | 11.d0cc143 | Script to enumerate security settings of an RDP Service. | scanner networking windows | |
rdwarecon | 1.2.r0.g9675200 | A python script to extract information from a Microsoft Remote Desktop Web Access (RDWA) application. | recon windows | |
regreport | 1.6 | Windows registry forensic analysis tool. | windows forensic | |
regview | 1.3 | Open raw Windows NT 5 Registry files (Windows 2000 or higher). | windows forensic | |
resourcehacker | 5.1.8 | Resource compiler and decompiler for WindowsВ® applications. | windows reversing | |
Router Scan | v2.60 Beta | Router Scan is able to find and identify a variety of devices from large number of known routers and that the most important thing is to get from them useful information, in particular the characteristics of the wireless network: a method of protecting the access point (encryption), access point name (SSID) and access point key (passphrase). Also it receives information about the WAN connection (useful when scanning a local network) and show the model of router. Getting information occurs in two possible ways: 1. The program will try to guess a pair of username/password to the router from a list of standard passwords, thereby get access. 2. Or the vulnerabilities (bugs) will be used against the router model, allowing to get the necessary information and/or bypass the authorization process. | windows | |
rpak | 1.0 | A collection of tools that can be useful for doing attacks on routing protocols. | windows networking sniffer spoof | |
rpcsniffer | 7.9fab095 | Sniffs WINDOWS RPC messages in a given RPC server process. | windows sniffer | |
rpctools | 1.0 | Contains three separate tools for obtaining information from a system that is running RPC services | windows recon scanner | |
rusthound | 55.6d7b945 | Active Directory data collector for BloodHound. | recon windows | |
secure2csv | 10.119eefb0 | Decode security descriptors in $Secure on NTFS. | forensic windows | |
setowner | 1.1 | Allows you to set file ownership to any account, as long as you have the "Restore files and directories" user right. | windows binary | |
shad0w | 387.d35b9dc | A modular C2 framework designed to successfully operate on mature environments. | windows exploitation | |
shadowexplorer | 0.9 | Browse the Shadow Copies created by the Windows Vista / 7 / 8 / 10 Volume Shadow Copy Service. | forensic windows | |
shed | 2.0.0 | .NET runtime inspector. | windows reversing | |
shellter | 7.2 | A dynamic shellcode injection tool, and the first truly dynamic PE infector ever created. | exploitation backdoor windows | |
sigspotter | 1.0 | A tool that search in your HD to find wich publishers has been signed binaries in your PC. | windows misc | |
sigthief | 25.ffb501b | Stealing Signatures and Making One Invalid Signature at a Time. | exploitation windows | |
sipscan | 1:0.1 | A sip scanner. | windows scanner voip | |
sireprat | 34.b8ef60b | Remote Command Execution as SYSTEM on Windows IoT Core. | exploitation windows | |
skype-dump | 0.1 | This is a tool that demonstrates dumping MD5 password hashes from the configuration file in Skype. | windows cracker | |
smbrelay | 3 | SMB / HTTP to SMB replay attack toolkit. | windows networking exploitation | |
snitch | 1.2 | Turn back the asterisks in password fields to plaintext passwords. | windows cracker | |
snowman | 0.1.3 | A native code to C/C++ decompiler, see the examples of generated code. | windows decompiler | |
snscan | 1.05 | A Windows based SNMP detection utility that can quickly and accurately identify SNMP enabled devices on a network. | windows scanner | |
spade | 114 | A general-purpose Internet utility package, with some extra features to help in tracing the source of spam and other forms of Internet harassment. | windows scanner recon | |
spray365 | 42.58fd193 | Makes spraying Microsoft accounts (Office 365 / Azure AD) easy through its customizable two-step password spraying approach. | cracker recon windows | |
sqldict | 2.1 | A dictionary attack tool for SQL Server. | windows webapp | |
sqlping | 4 | SQL Server scanning tool that also checks for weak passwords using wordlists. | windows webapp exploitation | |
sqlpowerinjector | 1.2 | Application created in .Net 1.1 that helps the penetration tester to find and exploit SQL injections on a web page. | windows webapp | |
streamfinder | 1.2 | Searches for Alternate Data Streams (ADS). | windows | |
sub7 | 2.2 | A remote administration tool. No further comments ;-) | windows backdoor | |
superscan | 4.1 | Powerful TCP port scanner, pinger, resolver. | windows scanner recon | |
syringe | 12.79a703e | A General Purpose DLL & Code Injection Utility. | backdoor binary windows | |
sysinternals-suite | 1:6.4 | Sysinternals tools suite. | windows | |
talon | v3.1.r1.g8acc175 | A password guessing tool that targets the Kerberos and LDAP services within the Windows Active Directory environment. | cracker windows | |
thumbcacheviewer | | Extract Windows thumbcache database files. | forensic windows | |
tunna | 41.cba006d | a set of tools which will wrap and tunnel any TCP communication over HTTP. It can be used to bypass network restrictions in fully firewalled environments. | networking tunnel proxy windows | |
uacme | 282.ce6fb5f | Defeating Windows User Account Control. | windows | |
unsecure | 1.2 | Bruteforces network login masks. | windows cracker | |
upnp-pentest-toolkit | 1.1 | UPnP Pentest Toolkit for Windows. | windows scanner recon fuzzer | |
usnjrnl2csv | 29.1ecbddc | Parser for $UsnJrnl on NTFS. | forensic windows | |
usnparser | 4.1.5 | A Python script to parse the NTFS USN journal. | forensic windows | |
wce | 1.41beta | A security tool to list logon sessions and add, change, list and delete associated credentials (ex.: LM/NT hashes, plaintext passwords and Kerberos tickets). | windows recon | |
wesng | 366.cf64f78 | Windows Exploit Suggester - Next Generation. | exploitation windows | |
wifichannelmonitor | 1.70 | A utility for Windows that captures wifi traffic on the channel you choose, using Microsoft Network Monitor capture driver. | windows wireless sniffer networking | |
windivert | 2.2.0 | A user-mode packet capture-and-divert package for Windows. | windows sniffer networking | |
windows-binaries | 20.7d272da | A colleciton of pentesting Windows binaries. | windows | |
windows-privesc-check | 181.9f304fd | Standalone Executable to Check for Simple Privilege Escalation Vectors on Windows Systems. | windows exploitation | |
windowsspyblocker | 4.38.0 | Block spying and tracking on Windows. | windows defensive | |
winexe | 1.00 | Remotely execute commands on Windows NT/2000/XP/2003 systems. | misc windows | |
winfo | 2.0 | Uses null sessions to remotely try to retrieve lists of and information about user accounts, workstation/interdomain/server trust accounts, shares (also hidden), sessions, logged in users, and password/lockout policy, from Windows NT/2000/XP. | windows recon scanner | |
winhex | 20.4 | Hex Editor and Disk Editor. | windows | |
winpwn | 408.65f9ed2 | Automation for internal Windows Penetrationtest / AD-Security. | windows automation | |
winregfs | 161.209a5d6 | Windows Registry FUSE filesystem. | misc windows | |
winrelay | 2.0 | A TCP/UDP forwarder/redirector that works with both IPv4 and IPv6. | windows networking | |
wpsweep | 1.0 | A simple ping sweeper, that is, it pings a range of IP addresses and lists the ones that reply. | windows recon | |
wups | 1.4 | An UDP port scanner for Windows. | windows scanner | |
x-scan | 3.3 | A general network vulnerabilities scanner for scanning network vulnerabilities for specific IP address scope or stand-alone computer by multi-threading method, plug-ins are supportable. | windows scanner | |
x64dbg | 2024.09.10 | An open-source x64/x32 debugger for windows. | windows debugger | |
zipexec | 19.f8d661f | A unique technique to execute binaries from a password protected zip. | crypto backdoor windows |