
WhatWaf Description

WhatWaf is an advanced web application security detection tool that aims to give you an answer to the question, “Does a web server use WAF, and which one?” WhatWaf works by detecting a firewall on a web application, and attempting to detect a bypass (or two) for said firewall, on the specified target.


  • Ability to run on a single URL with the -u/--url flag
  • Ability to run through a list of URL's with the -l/--list flag
  • Ability to detect over 70+ different firewalls
  • Ability to try over 30+ different tampering techniques
  • Ability to pass your own payloads either from a file, from the terminal, or use the default payloads
  • Default payloads that should produce at least one WAF triggering
  • Ability to bypass firewalls using both SQLi techniques and cross site scripting techniques
  • Ability to run behind any proxy type that matches this regex: (socks\d+)?(http(s)?)?:// (socks5, socks4, http, https)
  • Ability to use a random user agent, personal user agent, or custom default user agent
  • Auto assign protocol to HTTP or ability to force protocol to HTTPS
  • A built in encoder so you can encode your payloads into the discovered bypasses
  • Automatic issue creation if an unknown firewall is discovered
  • Ability to send output to a JSON, CSV, or YAML file
  • Ability to encode provided payloads using builtin tamper scripts
  • Encoded payloads are then saved into a database file for future use
  • Ability to export cached payloads from the database to a YAML, JSON, CSV, or textual file
  • Ability to save all traffic into files for further analysis by passing the --traffic flag
  • Ability to try and determine the backend webserver hosting the web application using -W
  • Ability to send POST or GET requests
  • Ability to pass in your own custom headers
  • More to come…

List of all web application security systems supported for identification, WAF (89 in total):

  • 360 Web Application Firewall (360)
  • aeSecure (WAF)
  • Airlock (Phion/Ergon)
  • AkamaiGHost Website Protection (Akamai Global Host)
  • Alert Logic (SIEMless Threat Management)
  • AliYunDun (WAF)
  • Anquanbao Web Application Firewall (Anquanbao)
  • AnYu Web Application Firewall (Anyu Technologies)
  • Apache Generic
  • Armor Protection (Armor Defense)
  • Application Security Manager (F5 Networks)
  • ASP.NET Generic Website Protection (Microsoft)
  • Apache Traffic Server (ATS web proxy)
  • Amazon Web Services Web Application Firewall (Amazon)
  • Yunjiasu Web Application Firewall (Baidu)
  • Barikode Web Application Firewall
  • Barracuda Web Application Firewall (Barracuda Networks)
  • Bekchy (WAF)
  • BIG-IP (F5 Networks)
  • BinarySEC Web Application Firewall (BinarySEC)
  • BitNinja (WAF)
  • BlockDos DDoS protection (BlockDos)
  • Chuangyu top government cloud defense platform (WAF)
  • Cisco ACE XML Firewall (Cisco)
  • CloudFlare Web Application Firewall (CloudFlare)
  • CloudFront Firewall (Amazon)
  • XSS/CSRF Filtering Protection (CodeIgniter)
  • Comodo Web Application Firewall (Comodo)
  • CSF (ConfigServer Security & Firewall)
  • IBM Websphere DataPower Firewall (IBM)
  • Deny All Web Application Firewall (DenyAll)
  • DiDiYun WAF (DiDi)
  • DoD Enterprise-Level Protection System (Department of Defense)
  • DOSarrest (DOSarrest Internet Security)
  • dotDefender (Applicure Technologies)
  • DynamicWeb Injection Check (DynamicWeb)
  • EdgeCast Web Application Firewall (Verizon)
  • ExpressionEngine (Ellislab WAF)
  • FortiWeb Web Application Firewall (Fortinet)
  • Gladius network WAF (Gladius)
  • Google Web Services (G-Cloud)
  • Grey Wizard Protection
  • Incapsula Web Application Firewall (Incapsula/Imperva)
  • INFOSAFE by http://7i24.com
  • Instart Logic (Palo Alto)
  • Janusec Application Gateway (WAF)
  • Jiasule (WAF)
  • Litespeed webserver Generic Protection
  • Malcare (MalCare Security WAF)
  • Open Source Web Application Firewall (Modsecurity)
  • Mod Security (OWASP CSR)
  • NexusGuard Security (WAF)
  • Nginx Generic Protection
  • Palo Alto Firewall (Palo Alto Networks)
  • Anti Bot Protection (PerimeterX)
  • pkSecurityModule (IDS)
  • Powerful Firewall (MyBB plugin)
  • Radware (AppWall WAF)
  • RSFirewall (Joomla WAF)
  • Sabre Firewall (WAF)
  • SafeDog WAF (SafeDog)
  • SecuPress (WordPress WAF)
  • Imperva SecureSphere (Imperva)
  • Shadow Daemon Opensource (WAF)
  • Shield Security
  • Website Security SiteGuard (Lite)
  • SonicWALL Firewall (Dell)
  • Squid Proxy (IDS)
  • Stackpath WAF (StackPath)
  • Stingray Application Firewall (Riverbed/Brocade)
  • StrictHttpFirewall (WAF)
  • Sucuri Firewall (Sucuri Cloudproxy)
  • Teros Web Application Firewall (Citrix)
  • UEWaf (UCloud)
  • UrlScan (Microsoft)
  • Varnish/CacheWall WAF
  • Viettel WAF (Cloudrity)
  • Wallarm WAF
  • WatchGuard WAF
  • WebKnight Application Firewall (AQTRONIX)
  • IBM Security Access Manager (WebSEAL)
  • West236 Firewall
  • Wordfence (Feedjit)
  • WTS-WAF (Web Application Firewall)
  • Xuanwudun WAF
  • Yundun Web Application Firewall (Yundun)
  • Yunsuo Web Application Firewall (Yunsuo)
  • Zscaler Cloud Firewall (WAF)

GitHub: https://github.com/Ekultek/WhatWaf

Author: Ekultek

License: GPLv3

WhatWaf Help


./whatwaf -[u|l|b|g] VALUE|PATH|PATH|PATH [-p|--pl] PAYLOAD,..|PATH [--args]


optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

mandatory arguments:
  arguments that have to be passed for the program to run

  -u URL, --url URL     Pass a single URL to detect the protection
  -l PATH, --list PATH, -f PATH, --file PATH
                        Pass a file containing URL's (one per line) to detect the protection
  -b FILE-PATH, --burp FILE-PATH
                        Pass a Burp Suite request file to perform WAF evaluation
                        Pass a JSON file from the Googler CMD line tool (IE googler -n 100 --json >> googler.json)

request arguments:
  arguments that will control your requests

  --pa USER-AGENT       Provide your own personal agent to use it for the HTTP requests
  --ra                  Use a random user-agent for the HTTP requests (*default=whatwaf/2.0.3 (Language=3.9.2; Platform=Linux))
                        Add your own custom headers to the request. To use multiple separate headers by comma. Your headers need to be exact(IE: Set-Cookie=a345ddsswe,X-Forwarded-For: (*default=None)
  --proxy PROXY         Provide a proxy to run behind in the format type://address:port (IE socks5:// (*default=None)
  --tor                 Use Tor as the proxy to run behind, must have Tor installed (*default=False)
  --check-tor           Check your Tor connection (default=False)
  -p PAYLOADS, --payloads PAYLOADS
                        Provide your own payloads separated by a comma IE AND 1=1,AND 2=2
                        Provide a file containing a list of payloads 1 per line
  --force-ssl           Force the assignment of HTTPS instead of HTTP while processing (*default=HTTP unless otherwise specified by URL)
  --throttle THROTTLE-TIME (seconds)
                        Provide a sleep time per request (*default=0)
  --timeout TIMEOUT     Control the timeout time of the requests (*default=15)
  -P, --post            Send a POST request (*default=GET)
                        Send this data with the POST request (*default=random)
  -t threaded, --threads threaded
                        Send requests in parallel (specify number of threads (*default=1)
                        Change the port that Tor runs on (*default=9050)
  -T, --test            Test the connection to the website before starting (*default=True)

encoding options:
  arguments that control the encoding of payloads

                        Encode a provided payload using provided tamper script(s) you are able to payy multiple tamper script load paths to this argument and the payload will be tampered as requested
                        Encode a file containing payloads (one per line) by passing the path and load path, files can only encoded using a single tamper script load path

output options:
  arguments that control how WhatWaf handles output

  -F, --format          Format the output into a dict and display it
  -J, --json            Send the output to a JSON file
  -Y, --yaml            Send the output to a YAML file
  -C, --csv             Send the output to a CSV file
  --fingerprint         Save all fingerprints for further investigation
  --tamper-int INT      Control the amount of tampers that are displayed (*default=5)
  --traffic FILENAME    store all HTTP traffic headers into a file of your choice
  --force-file          Force the creation of a file even if there is no protection identified
  -o DIR, --output DIR  Save a copy of the file to an arbitrary directory

database arguments:
  arguments that pertain to Whatwafs database

  -c, --url-cache       Check against URL's that have already been cached into the database before running them saves some time on scanning multiple (*default=False)
  -uC, --view-url-cache
                        Display all the URL cache inside of the database, this includes the netlock, tamper scripts, webserver, and identified protections
  -pC, --payload-cache  View all payloads that have been cached inside of the database
  -vC, --view-cache     View all the cache in the database, everything from URLs to payloads
  --export FILE-TYPE    Export the already encoded payloads to a specified file type and save them under the home directory

wizard arguments:
  arguments that have to do with building scripts

misc arguments:
  arguments that don't fit in any other category

  --verbose             Run in verbose mode (more output)
  --hide                Hide the banner during the run
  --update              Update WhatWaf to the newest development version
  --save FILENAME       Save the encoded payloads into a file
  --skip                Skip checking for bypasses and just identify the firewall
  --verify-num INT      Change the request amount to verify if there really is not a WAF present(*default=5)
  -W, --determine-webserver
                        Attempt to determine what web server is running on the backend (IE Apache, Nginx, etc.. *default=False)
  --wafs                Output a list of possible firewalls that can be detected by WhatWaf
  --tampers             Output a list of tamper script load paths with their description
  -M, --mine            Pass this flag to mine XMR for you and the whatwaf development team

All available tamper scripts, 36 in total:

        Load path:                        |     Description:
content.tampers.apostrephemask            |  hiding an apostrophe by its UTF equivalent
content.tampers.apostrephenullify         |  hiding the apostrophe by passing it with a NULL character
content.tampers.appendnull                |  appending a NULL byte to the end of the payload
content.tampers.base64encode              |  encoding the payload into its base64 equivalent
content.tampers.booleanmask               |  mask the booleans with their symbolic counterparts
content.tampers.doubleurlencode           |  double URL encoding the payload characters
content.tampers.enclosebrackets           |  enclosing numbers into brackets
content.tampers.escapequotes              |  escaping quotes with slashes  
content.tampers.lowercase                 |  turning the payload into its lowercase equivalent
content.tampers.maskenclosebrackets       |  enclosing brackets and masking an apostrophe around the character in the brackets
content.tampers.modsec                    |  putting the payload in-between a comment with obfuscation in it
content.tampers.modsecspace2comment       |  obfuscating payload by passing it between comments with obfuscation and changing spaces to comments
content.tampers.obfuscatebyhtmlcomment    |  obfuscating script tags with HTML comments'
content.tampers.obfuscatebyhtmlentity     |  changing the payload characters into their HTML entities
content.tampers.obfuscatebyordinal        |  changing certain characters in the payload into their ordinal equivalent
content.tampers.prependnull               |  pre-pending a NULL character at the start of the payload
content.tampers.randomcase                |  changing the character case of the payload randomly with either upper or lower case
content.tampers.randomcomments            |  implanting random comments into the payload
content.tampers.randomdecoys              |  add decoy tags to the script  
content.tampers.randomjunkcharacters      |  adding random junk characters into the payload to bypass regex based protection
content.tampers.randomtabify              |  replacing the spaces in the payload with either the tab character or eight spaces
content.tampers.randomunicode             |  inserting random UTF-8 characters into the payload
content.tampers.randomwildcard            |  changing characters into a wildcard
content.tampers.space2comment             |  changing the spaces in the payload into a comment
content.tampers.space2doubledash          |  changing the spaces in the payload into double dashes
content.tampers.space2hash                |  changing the payload spaces to obfuscated hashes with a newline
content.tampers.space2multicomment        |  change the payload spaces to a random amount of spaces obfuscated with a comment
content.tampers.space2null                |  changing the spaces in the payload into a NULL character
content.tampers.space2plus                |  changing the spaces in the payload into a plus sign
content.tampers.space2randomblank         |  changing the payload spaces to random ASCII blank characters
content.tampers.tabifyspacecommon         |  replacing the payloads spaces with tab character (\t)
content.tampers.tabifyspaceuncommon       |  replacing the spaces in the payload with 8 spaces to simulate a tab character
content.tampers.tripleurlencode           |  triple URL encoding the payload characters
content.tampers.uppercase                 |  changing the payload into its uppercase equivalent
content.tampers.urlencode                 |  encoding punctuation characters by their URL encoding equivalent
content.tampers.urlencodeall              |  encoding all characters in the payload into their URL encoding equivalent

Argument descriptions

Optional arguments

These arguments aren't really important, but they're good to mention

  • -h/--help

Prints the help menu and exits. This will also be the default if no other flags are passed

Mandatory arguments

These arguments have to be passed in order for whatwaf to run

  • -u URL, --url URL

Pass a single URL to detect the protection

  • -l PATH, --list PATH, -f PATH, --file PATH

Pass a file containing URL's (one per line) to detect the protection

  • -b FILE-PATH, --burp FILE-PATH

Pass a Burp Suite request file to perform WAF evaluation

Request arguments

These arguments control your HTTP requests, along with your headers

  • --pa

Pass a personal User-Agent in the form of a string to replace the default User-Agent. It's up to you to make sure your User-Agent is in the right format or not

  • --ra

Passing this flag will grab a random User-Agent out of content/files/user_agents.txt, there are a total of 4,195 User-Agents available to be chosen from

  • --proxy

Pass a proxy to run behind. Whatwaf is compatible with most proxy types such as:

  • socks5
  • socks4
  • http
  • https
  • --tor

Pass this flag to use Tor as your proxy. Please be advised that this requires you to have Tor installed on your system and running. It will assume that Tor is on port 9050 and try to connect there as well.

  • -p/--payloads

Provide your own payloads for the detection requests. Payloads must be separated by a comma. IE -p="AND 1=1,OR 2=2". This way whatwaf will be able to determine the list by a common denominator.

  • --pl

Pass a textual file containing payloads (one per line) whatwaf will enumerate these payloads and use each one for detection requests. It is advised to run behind a proxy or use proxychains if you are going to use this method.

  • --force-ssl

Passing this flag will force the URL to run behind HTTPS instead of HTTP.

Encoding options

Arguments that control the encoding of payloads


Encode a provided payload using a provided tamper script


Encode a file containing payloads (one per line) by passing the path and load path

Output options

Arguments that control how WhatWaf handles output

  • -F, --format

Format the output into a dict and display it

  • -J, --json

Send the output to a JSON file

  • -Y, --yaml

Send the output to a YAML file

  • -C, --csv

Send the output to a CSV file

Database arguments

Arguments that have to do with WhatWafs database

  • -c, --url-cache

Check against URL's that have already been cached into the database before running them saves some time on scanning multiple (*default=False)

  • -uC, --view-url-cache

Display all the URL cache inside of the database, this includes the netlock, tamper scipts, webserver, and identified protections

  • -pC, --payload-cache

View all payloads that have been cached inside of the database

  • -vC, --view-cache

View all the cache in the database, everything from URLs to payloads

  • --export FILE-TYPE

Export the already encoded payloads to a specified file type and save them under the home directory

Misc arguments

Arguments that don't really fit into any other category

  • --verbose

Run in verbose mode (more output)

  • --hide

Hide the banner during the run

  • --update

Update WhatWaf to the newest development version

  • --save FILENAME

Save the encoded payloads into a file

  • --skip

Skip checking for bypasses and just identify the firewall

  • --verify-num INT

Change the default amount (5) to verify if there really is not a WAF present

WhatWaf Usage Example

Identify the web application firewall and find bypasses for apple.com (-u https://apple.com):

python3 ./whatwaf -u https://apple.com

Identify the web application firewall and find ways to bypass the specified site (-u https://wise.com) using the Tor network as a proxy server (--tor):

sudo systemctl start tor
python3 ./whatwaf -u https://wise.com --tor

Determine the protection of the web application of the specified site (-u https://www.ebay.com), try to determine the type of web server (-W), use the specified User Agent for requests (--pa 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/91.0.4472.114 Safari/537.36'):

python3 ./whatwaf -u https://www.ebay.com -W --pa 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/91.0.4472.114 Safari/537.36'

How to install WhatWaf

Installation on Kali Linux

sudo apt install python3-pip
git clone https://github.com/ekultek/whatwaf
cd whatwaf
sudo pip3 install -r requirements.txt

At launch, you can specify an executable file without a Python version:

./whatwaf --help

But it is recommended to explicitly specify the Python version, since we did not install dependencies for Python 2:

python3 ./whatwaf --help

Installation on Debian, Linux Mint, Ubuntu

sudo apt update
sudo apt install git python3-pip
git clone https://github.com/ekultek/whatwaf
cd whatwaf
sudo pip3 install -r requirements.txt

It is not necessary to specify the Python version at launch:

./whatwaf --help

But it is recommended to explicitly specify the Python version, since we did not install dependencies for Python 2:

python3 ./whatwaf --help

Installation on BlackArch

The program is pre-installed on BlackArch. To install in minimal builds run:

sudo pacman -S whatwaf

WhatWaf Screenshots

WhatWaf Tutorials

Coming soon…

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