Packages that operates on wireless networks on any level.
Tool count: 103
Name | Version | Description | Category | Website |
aircrack-ng | 1.7 | Key cracker for the 802.11 WEP and WPA-PSK protocols | wireless | |
airflood | 0.1 | A modification of aireplay that allows for a DoS of the AP. This program fills the table of clients of the AP with random MACs doing impossible new connections. | wireless | |
airgeddon | 1:v11.31.r0.g7335109 | Multi-use bash script for Linux systems to audit wireless networks. | wireless automation | |
airopy | 5.b83f11d | Get (wireless) clients and access points. | wireless sniffer | |
airoscript | 2:45.0a122ee | A script to simplify the use of aircrack-ng tools. | wireless | |
airpwn | 1.4 | A tool for generic packet injection on an 802.11 network. | wireless | |
aphopper | 0.3 | AP Hopper is a program that automatically hops between access points of different wireless networks. | wireless | |
apnbf | 0.1 | A small python script designed for enumerating valid APNs (Access Point Name) on a GTP-C speaking device. | wireless scanner | |
atear | 139.245ec8d | Wireless Hacking, WiFi Security, Vulnerability Analyzer, Pentestration. | wireless recon scanner | |
auto-eap | 18.ee36d37 | Automated Brute-Force Login Attacks Against EAP Networks. | wireless cracker | |
batctl | 2023.1 | B.A.T.M.A.N. advanced control and management tool | wireless | |
batman-adv | 2019.2 | Batman kernel module, (included upstream since .38) | wireless | |
batman-alfred | 2024.2 | Almighty Lightweight Fact Remote Exchange Daemon | wireless | |
beholder | 0.8.10 | A wireless intrusion detection tool that looks for anomalies in a wifi environment. | wireless defensive | |
bleah | 53.6a2fd3a | A BLE scanner for "smart" devices hacking. | scanner wireless bluetooth | |
boopsuite | 170.16c902f | A Suite of Tools written in Python for wireless auditing and security testing. | wireless sniffer | |
bully | 1.4.00 | A wifi-protected-setup (WPS) brute force attack tool. | cracker wireless | |
cowpatty | 4.8 | Wireless WPA/WPA2 PSK handshake cracking utility | wireless cracker | |
create_ap | 265.462c09f | A shell script to create a NATed/Bridged Software Access Point | wireless | |
crozono | 1:5.6a51669 | A modular framework designed to automate the penetration testing of wireless networks from drones and such unconventional devices. | drone wireless | |
eapeak | 130.9550d1c | Analysis Suite For EAP Enabled Wireless Networks. | wireless recon | |
eaphammer | 1:v1.14.1.r0.g91e8956 | Targeted evil twin attacks against WPA2-Enterprise networks. Indirect wireless pivots using hostile portal attacks. | wireless | |
eapmd5pass | 3.3d5551f | An implementation of an offline dictionary attack against the EAP-MD5 protocol | cracker wireless | |
eyepwn | 1.0 | Exploit for Eye-Fi Helper directory traversal vulnerability | exploitation wireless | |
fern-wifi-cracker | 301.eff2eb7 | WEP, WPA wifi cracker for wireless penetration testing | cracker wireless | |
fluxion | 4:v4.10.r240.g4f461a4 | A security auditing and social-engineering research tool. | social wireless | |
freeradius | 3.2.6 | The premier open source RADIUS server | wireless | |
freewifi | 30.1cb752b | How to get free wifi. | wireless | |
fuzzap | 17.057002b | A python script for obfuscating wireless networks. | wireless | |
g72x++ | Decoder for the g72x++ codec. | wireless | ||
gerix-wifi-cracker | 1.1c3cd73 | A graphical user interface for aircrack-ng and pyrit. | wireless misc | |
giskismet | 20110805 | A program to visually represent the Kismet data in a flexible manner. | wireless | |
gnuradio | | General purpose DSP and SDR toolkit. With drivers for usrp and fcd. | wireless | |
gqrx | 2.17.5 | Interactive SDR receiver waterfall for many devices. | wireless | |
hashcatch | 52.8145660 | Hashcatch deauthenticates clients connected to all nearby WiFi networks and tries to capture the handshakes. It can be used in any linux device including Raspberry Pi and Nethunter devices so that you can capture handshakes while walking your dog. | wireless cracker | |
hcxdumptool | 6.3.4 | Small tool to capture packets from wlan devices | wireless sniffer | |
hcxtools | 6.3.4 | Small set of tools to capture and convert packets from wlan devices for the use with hashcat. | wireless | |
hoover | 4.9bda860 | Wireless Probe Requests Sniffer. | wireless sniffer | |
hostapd-wpe | 2.11 | IEEE 802.11 AP, IEEE 802.1X/WPA/WPA2/EAP/RADIUS Authenticator - Wireless Pwnage Edition. | wireless | |
hotspotter | 0.4 | Hotspotter passively monitors the network for probe request frames to identify the preferred networks of Windows XP clients, and will compare it to a supplied list of common hotspot network names. | wireless | |
howmanypeoplearearound | 123.b05e06a | Count the number of people around you by monitoring wifi signals. | recon wireless | |
hubbit-sniffer | 74.460ecf8 | Simple application that listens for WIFI-frames and records the mac-address of the sender and posts them to a REST-api. | sniffer wireless | |
hwk | 0.4 | Collection of packet crafting and wireless network flooding tools | dos fuzzer scanner wireless | |
intercepter-ng | 1.0 | A next generation sniffer including a lot of features: capturing passwords/hashes, sniffing chat messages, performing man-in-the-middle attacks, etc. | windows wireless sniffer networking cracker | |
jcrack | 0.3.6 | A utility to create dictionary files that will crack the default passwords of select wireless gateways | wireless | |
killerbee | 398.748740d | Framework and tools for exploiting ZigBee and IEEE 802.15.4 networks. | exploitation wireless | |
kismet | 2023_07_R1 | 802.11 layer2 wireless network detector, sniffer, and intrusion detection system | wireless sniffer | |
kismet-earth | 1:0.1 | Various scripts to convert kismet logs to kml file to be used in Google Earth. | wireless | |
kismet2earth | 1.0 | A set of utilities that convert from Kismet logs to Google Earth .kml format | wireless | |
kismon | 1.0.3 | GUI client for kismet (wireless scanner/sniffer/monitor). | wireless | |
linset | 9.8746b1f | Evil Twin Attack Bash script - An automated WPA/WPA2 hacker. | automation wireless cracker | |
lorcon | 2:2020.06.06 | Generic library for injecting 802.11 frames | wireless | |
mana | 68.56bcfcd | A toolkit for rogue access point (evilAP) attacks first presented at Defcon 22. | wireless | |
mdk3 | v6 | WLAN penetration tool | wireless fuzzer | |
mdk4 | 4.2 | Proof-of-Concept tool to exploit common IEEE 802.11 protocol weaknesses. | wireless fuzzer | |
mfcuk | 0.3.8 | MIFARE Classic Universal toolKit | wireless | |
mfoc | 0.10.7+38+gba072f1 | Mifare Classic Offline Cracker | cracker wireless | |
mitmap | 89.b590f9a | A python program to create a fake AP and sniff data. | wireless sniffer | |
mousejack | 5.58b69c1 | Wireless mouse/keyboard attack with replay/transmit poc. | wireless | |
mtscan | 167.099482e | Mikrotik RouterOS wireless scanner. | wireless | |
netattack | 2:24.230b856 | Python script to scan and attack wireless networks. | wireless | |
netdiscover | 218.ff28964 | An active/passive address reconnaissance tool, mainly developed for those wireless networks without dhcp server, when you are wardriving. It can be also used on hub/switched networks. | recon wireless | |
netstumbler | 0.4.0 | Well-known wireless AP scanner and sniffer. | windows wireless | |
nzyme | 1.2.2 | WiFi defense system. | wireless defensive | |
pidense | 29.ef26704 | Monitor illegal wireless network activities. (Fake Access Points) | wireless defensive | |
pixiewps | 1.4.2 | An offline WPS bruteforce utility. | wireless cracker | |
pyrit | 0.5.0 | The famous WPA precomputed cracker | cracker wireless | |
python-trackerjacker | 2.0.5 | Finds and tracks wifi devices through raw 802.11 monitoring. | wireless | |
reaver | 1.6.6 | Brute force attack against Wifi Protected Setup | wireless cracker | |
rfdump | 1.6 | A back-end GPL tool to directly inter-operate with any RFID ISO-Reader to make the contents stored on RFID tags accessible | wireless | |
rfidiot | 107.88f2ef9 | An open source python library for exploring RFID devices. | wireless | |
rfidtool | 0.01 | A opensource tool to read / write rfid tags | wireless | |
roguehostapd | 78.381b373 | Hostapd fork including Wi-Fi attacks and providing Python bindings with ctypes. | wireless | |
sniff-probe-req | 410.58c7d63 | Wi-Fi Probe Requests Sniffer. | wireless sniffer | |
spectools | 2010_04_R1 | Spectrum-Tools is a set of utilities for using the Wi-Spy USB spectrum analyzer hardware. Stable version. | wireless | |
speedpwn | 8.3dd2793 | An active WPA/2 Bruteforcer, original created to prove weak standard key generation in different ISP labeled routers without a client is connected. | cracker wireless | |
timegen | 0.4 | This program generates a *.wav file to "send" an own time signal to DCF77 compatible devices. | wireless | |
ubitack | 0.3 | Tool, which automates some of the tasks you might need on a (wireless) penetration test or while you are on the go. | wireless | |
ufo-wardriving | 4 | Allows you to test the security of wireless networks by detecting their passwords based on the router model. | cracker wireless | |
waidps | 16.ff8d270 | Wireless Auditing, Intrusion Detection & Prevention System. | wireless | |
wavemon | 0.9.6 | Ncurses-based monitoring application for wireless network devices | wireless | |
wepbuster | 1.0_beta_0.7 | script for automating aircrack-ng | wireless | |
wi-feye | 1.1 | An automated wireless penetration testing tool written in python, its designed to simplify common attacks that can be performed on wifi networks so that they can be executed quickly and easily. | wireless | |
wifi-autopwner | 36.faa4d01 | Script to automate searching and auditing Wi-Fi networks with weak security. | automation wireless | |
wifi-honey | 1.0 | A management tool for wifi honeypots. | honeypot wireless | |
wifi-pumpkin | 2:v1.1.7.r2.g344a475 | Framework for Rogue Wi-Fi Access Point Attack. | wireless dos spoof exploitation sniffer social | |
wifibroot | 84.d0cd2cc | A WiFi Pentest Cracking tool for WPA/WPA2 (Handshake, PMKID, Cracking, EAPOL, Deauthentication). | wireless cracker | |
wifichannelmonitor | 1.70 | A utility for Windows that captures wifi traffic on the channel you choose, using Microsoft Network Monitor capture driver. | windows wireless sniffer networking | |
wificurse | 0.3.9 | WiFi jamming tool. | wireless | |
wifijammer | 100.be05dab | A python script to continuosly jam all wifi clients within range. | wireless | |
wifiphisher | 1:798.bc4a077 | Fast automated phishing attacks against WPA networks. | wireless social | |
wifiscanmap | 135.9adcd08 | Another wifi mapping tool. | wireless scanner | |
wifitap | 2b16088 | WiFi injection tool through tun/tap device. | wireless | |
wifite | 2:2.7.0 | A tool to attack multiple WEP and WPA encrypted networks at the same time. | cracker wireless | |
wireless-ids | 24.b132071 | Ability to detect suspicious activity such as (WEP/WPA/WPS) attack by sniffing the air for wireless packets. | wireless sniffer defensive | |
wirouter-keyrec | 1.1.2 | A powerful and platform independent software to recover the default WPA passphrases of the supported router models (Telecom Italia Alice AGPF, Fastweb Pirelli, Fastweb Tesley, Eircom Netopia, Pirelli TeleTu/Tele 2). | wireless cracker | |
wlan2eth | 1.3 | Re-writes 802.11 captures into standard Ethernet frames. | wireless | |
wpa-bruteforcer | 4.d5f8586 | Attacking WPA/WPA encrypted access point without client. | wireless | |
wpa2-halfhandshake-crack | 29.3f42124 | A POC to show it is possible to capture enough of a handshake with a user from a fake AP to crack a WPA2 network without knowing the passphrase of the actual AP. | wireless cracker | |
wpsik | 8.8d3856b | WPS scan and pwn tool. | wireless scanner | |
zizzania | 124.8f2062f | Automated DeAuth attack. | wireless dos sniffer | |
zulu | 0.1 | A light weight 802.11 wireless frame generation tool to enable fast and easy debugging and probing of 802.11 networks. | cracker wireless | |
zykeys | 0.1 | Demonstrates how default wireless settings are derived on some models of ZyXEL routers. | wireless cracker |