
Home / Tools / database

Packages that involve database exploitations on any level.

Tool count: 7

Name Version Description Category Website
blindsql 1.0 Set of bash scripts for blind SQL injection attacks. database
flamerobin 2370.c75f8618 A tool to handle Firebird database management. database
getsids 0.0.1 Getsids tries to enumerate Oracle Sids by sending the services command to the Oracle TNS listener. Like doing 'lsnrctl service'. database
metacoretex 0.8.0 MetaCoretex is an entirely JAVA vulnerability scanning framework for databases. database
mysql2sqlite 1:14.e5b2c31 Converts a mysqldump file into a Sqlite 3 compatible file. database misc
pgdbf 113.4e84775 Convert XBase / FoxPro databases to PostgreSQL database
unibrute 1.b3fb4b7 Multithreaded SQL union bruteforcer. exploitation database